Julia Gresky, Dr.
Referat für Naturwissenschaften, Zentrale-ZWA, Zentrale, Anthropolgie
Paläopathologie und Osteoanthropologie
Julia Gresky is leading the anthropology unit at the DAI and is working in numerous projects. Her research has a dual focus: paleopathology and archaeological oriented topics. Due to the actual debate on climate change, she is engaged in investigations of different aspects of human interactions and the bioarchaeology of climate change. The strongest research emphasis, however, is on ancient rare diseases, creating a network and a common ground for this underrepresented topic in paleopathology.
Assessing autosomal aneuploidy in ancient genomes
Gresky, Julia
Testing the Digital Atlas of Ancient Rare Diseases (DAARD) using a new case of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease from Early Byzantine (500–700 CE) Olympia, Greece
Ahlbrecht, Yannick
Non-Metric Traits of Deciduous and Permanent Dentitions of Ten Non-Adult Individuals from Area C
Krauß, Julia S.
Human Remains from Areas C and D : Morphological and Palaeopathological Investigations
Gresky, Julia
“Domesticating” Death : the Burial Contexts
Benz, Marion
First osteological evidence of severed hands in Ancient Egypt
Gresky, Julia
Threads of memory : reviving the ornament of a dead child at the Neolithic village of Ba`ja (Jordan)
Alarashi, Hala
Moments of memory and belonging : a special child burial from Neolithic Ba`ja, Southern Jordan
Benz, Marion
Local People or Masked Mobility : Results of Strontium Isotope Analysis of Human Teeth
Knipper, Corina
Activity induced worsening of a tuberculous process in the vertebral column of a Late Bronze Age female from Liushui, Xinjiang (China)?
Schultz, Michael
Isotopic and DNA analyses reveal multiscale PPNB mobility and migration across Southeastern Anatolia and the Southern Levant
Xiaoran Wang
Der bronzezeitliche Großgrabhügel der Nekropole Rasševatskij-1 in der Steppe des Vorkaukasus = Большой курган эпохи бронзы могильника Расшеватский-1 в степном Предкавказье
Kalmykov, Aleksej Anatol'evič
Metabolische Erkrankungen, Mangelernährung und unspezifische Infektionen.
Gresky, Julia
Fehlbildungen und seltene Krankheiten.
Gresky, Julia
Kannibalismus und humane Knochenartefakte.
Gresky, Julia
Massive periostosis in a child from Neolithic Gebel es-Silsileh, Egypt
Gresky, Julia
Thanatoarchaeology : How do you investigate death?
Hofmann, Kerstin P.
Tabellarischer Lebenslauf
2019 – 2019
Gründung der Arbeitsgruppe ReGARD (Research Group on Ancient Rare Diseases) und Beginn einer Serie von Outreach Aktivitäten zur Sichtbarmachung seltener Krankheiten in der Archäologie
Seit 2008
Anthropologin/Paläopathologin im Referat Naturwissenschaften an der Zentrale des Deutschen Archäologischen Institutes
2007 – 2008
Anthropologin/Paläopathologin in verschiedenen Projekten der Arbeitsgruppe Paläopathologie Göttingen und des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts sowie des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts in Jordanien, Türkei, Ägypten, Ungarn, China
2004 – 2007
Assistenzärztin in Orthopädischer Belegarztpraxis in Göttingen, Arbeit mit der Organisation Orthopäden für die Dritte Welt e.V. 11/2005 in Sierra Leone
1997 – 2004
Studium Humanmedizin, Georg-August–Universität, Göttingen. Famulaturen/Praktisches Jahr in Wien, Zürich, Göttingen
Each bone tells a story. Each story is a bridge between past, present and future. Watch this short video to get to know how our research group at the Division of Natural Sciences rediscovers a forgotten part of our history and why it is important to talk about ancient rare diseases today.
Concept and Text: Julia Gresky and Emmanuele Petiti (Division of Natural Sciences, DAI) Illustrations: Susanne Asheuer Motion Design: Roman Hagenbrock Sounddesign: Benjamin Riehm www.erklaererei.berlin
Thousands of years of history written in seeds, trees, and bones: meet our team of the Division of Natural Sciences
Concept: Julia Gresky and Emmanuele Petiti (DAI, Division of Natural Sciences) Illustrations: Susanne Asheuer Motion Design: Roman Hagenbrock Sounddesign: Bejamin Riehm www. erklaererei.berlin