Testbeschreibung © Dummy35 // Dummy1

CALL FOR PAPERS „City and Micro-region in the Ancient Mediterranean (and Beyond)“


11.06.2024 | Abteilung Madrid

Next year, the Istanbul and Madrid departments of the German Archaeological Institute will organize two joint conferences on „City and Micro-region in the Ancient Mediterranean (and Beyond)“

📅 Madrid Conference:
**📍 Location:** German Archaeological Institute in Madrid
**🗓️ Date:** 21st - 23rd May 2025
**Focus:** „City & Micro-Region Configurations“
- City & micro-region configurations as complex socio-ecological systems
- Temporal scales and dynamics in the transformation of city & micro-region configurations
- City & micro-region configurations: Representation, Perception, and Planning


 📅 Istanbul Conference:
**📍 Location:** German Archaeological Institute in Istanbul
**🗓️ Date:** 30th October - 1st November 2025
**Focus:** „Connection, Integration, and Global Perspectives“
- Cities & micro-regions as agents of connectivity
- The agency of the sea: Dynamics of maritime integration and separation
- Beyond the ancient Mediterranean: City & micro-region configurations on a global and diachronic level

We welcome papers related to the themes set for the conferences in Madrid and Istanbul, ranging from the Iron Age to the Late Antiquity / Early Medieval periods. For the theme “Beyond the ancient Mediterranean” (Istanbul), proposals with a broader geographical and/or temporal scope are especially encouraged.

📩 Submission Guidelines:
Please submit your proposals, including the title of your paper, a short abstract, and your affiliation, aligned with one of the conference themes, to **city-micro@dainst.de** by **2 July 2024**.


Further informations:

PD Dr. Paul Scheding , Leitender Direktor Abteilung Madrid

Prof. Dr. Felix Pirson , Leiter

DAI Pressestelle
Podbielskiallee 69
14195 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 187711-120
Mail: presse@dainst.de