

Testbeschreibung © Dummy35 // Dummy1

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Dr. Dr. h.c. Theodor Hauschild – Honoring a Lifetime of Scientific Achievement

26.02.2025 | Forschungsstelle Lissabon

The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Lisbon, Dr. Julia Monar, and Dr. Paul Scheding jointly pay tribute to the academic legacy of Dr. Dr. h.c. Theodor Hauschild.

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Neuerscheinung Confinia et Horizontes 2

04.02.2025 | Romano-Germanic Commission

Der 2. Band der Reihe Confinia et Horizontes ist erschienen - The Neolithic of the Sárköz and Adjacent Regions in Hungary: Bioarchaeological Studies

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Release of AV 93

19.12.2024 | Abteilung Kairo

The DAI Cairo Department presents its new publication AV 93

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Exhibition Opening in Berlin: "Planet Africa – Archaeological Time Travel"

06.12.2024 | Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures

An Exhibition by the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) and the Museum of Prehistory and Early History (MVF) of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin at the James-Simon-Galerie.

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Jahrbuch des DAI (JdI): new issue online

03.12.2024 | Zentrale-ZWA

The new issue of the Jahrbuch des DAI (JdI) is now freely available in both PDF and Viewer editions.

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Neuerscheinung "Römisch-Germanische Forschungen 78"

25.11.2024 | Romano-Germanic Commission

Sandra Schröer-Spang - Die nördliche Provinzgrenze zwischen Raetien und Obergermanien im Spiegel des römerzeitlichen Besiedlungsmusters: GIS-gestützte Raumanalysen zur Annäherung an eine Binnengrenze

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"Planet Africa" – First Exhibition Opening at the National Library of Morocco

18.11.2024 | Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures

The DAI, Morocco’s Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication, and the Institut National des Sciences de l'Archéologie et du Patrimoine (INSAP) present “Planet Africa” in the National Library of Morocco (BNRM).

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Lion Cavern Ngwenya – The Oldest Ochre Mine in the World

14.11.2024 | Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures

A comprehensive study on ochre extraction in Africa reveals that this mineral was deliberately selected, systematically extracted, and transported over long distances as far back as 50,000 years ago

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New publication in the Journal of Global Archaeology (JoGA 2024/5)

28.10.2024 | Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures

Alexa Höhn - Stephen A. Dueppen - Daphne Gallagher - Lukas Lammers, The Archaeology of Shea Parklands (Vitellaria paradoxa) in Burkina Faso

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New publication in the Journal of Global Archaeology (JoGA 2024/4)

28.10.2024 | Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures

Silvia Polla - Sarah Japp - Marlene Köster - Heiko Stukenbrok - Andreas Springer and Guiseppe La Piana, Ceramic and food consumption in ancient northern Ethiopia: Analysis of organic residue in pottery from Yeha by GC-MS

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Edo|cation: Researching and Preserving the Cultural Heritage of Benin

21.10.2024 | Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures

Edo|cation is part of archaeological and cultural partnership between Nigeria and Germany in the framework of the restitution of the socalled Benin Bronzes in 2022.

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New Publication of the Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo

19.10.2024 | Abteilung Kairo

Volume 79 of the Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo is now available on iDAI.publications as PDF and Journal Viewer edition