The research focus of the Istanbul Department is the archaeology and history of Türkiye, including contacts to neighbouring regions, from earliest to most recent times.


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The lecture programme 2023/2024 of the Istanbul Department is online

13.10.2023 | Istanbul Department

The lecture programme 2023/2024 of the Istanbul Department is online!

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Life-size statue of a wild boar found in Special Building D of Göbekli Tepe

08.10.2023 | Istanbul Department

Recent excavations at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Göbekli Tepe (South-east Türkiye) have resulted in a unique discovery. A life-sized wild boar statue in Special Building D.

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New Indo-European language discovered at Hittite capital Boğazköy-Hattusa

25.09.2023 | Istanbul Department

The excavations of this year revealed an unexpected surprise. Hidden in a ritual text written in Hittite language is a recitation in a previously unknown language.

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A Milestone for Cultural Heritage Preservation in Southeast Turkey

13.09.2023 | Istanbul Department

At the UNESCO World Heritage Site Göbekli Tepe a cooperation between Istanbul University and the Istanbul Department of the DAI has seen completion of significant conservation measures in the so-called "Leopard Pillar Building".


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Edo|cation: Die Wallanlagen von Benin und Digitale Archäologie in Nigeria

Deutsche Archäologen berichten aus der Arbeit des DAI

20. August 2024
19:00 - 21:00

Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures