Knowledge Transfer and Publications
The Istanbuler Mitteilungen (IstMitt) has been published for more than 80 years with only few interruptions. The journal answers to archaeological, historical and culture-historical contributions as well as to reports compiled from corresponding research projects, including ones on archaeometry and the earth and natural sciences. With issue 72 (2022), the IstMitt will furthermore be freely accessible in the web portal as from its first day of publication.
In the Istanbuler Forschungen to date, on the other hand, have been presenting in more than 50 volumes the findings from basic research on the archaeology and architectural history in the form of monographs.
Since 2005 the 25 volumes of the yet recent series BYZAS have been presenting conference and workshop reports as well as ones from research networks and thematically grouped studies that either link up closely with the department's work, or have been carried out in cooperation with other institutions.
The launching of the series MIRAS in 2011 was a response to the need of disseminating case studies of archaeological monument preservation and material collections for projects in the field of conservation, site management, and cultural property protection. It is intended to furnish suggestions and impulses for meeting the challenges from conservation at archaeological sites (not only in Türkiye) and to contribute to cultural preservation as a whole.
The Archaeologica Euphratica is a monograph series presenting the results from field research projects in archaeology and architectural history carried out by Harald Hauptmann (Lidar, Nevali Cori, Keban) and in particular the results coming in from the Neolithic site at Göbekli Tepe.
In addition to the dissemination of new research, the digitisation of the yet published printed series is currently one of the editorial team's main occupations. In due course, all our previously printed publications will be made accessible without restriction via the Internet.
Icon iDAI.bibliography © DAI // Tanja Lemke-Mahdavi

Online Catalogue iDAI.bibliography
iDAI.bibliography/ZENON is the central indexing system for our 16 libraries and all our publications. With approximately 1.4 million records, it is one of the world's most important bibliographic reference tools for the literature of Classical Studies. At the same time, iDAI.bibliography also indexes digitised prints from the 16th to 19th centuries, digitised journals and open access publications in Classics. Increasingly, specialist literature without an inventory record is also included, for example as a bibliographic record for networking with the systems.
Icon iDAI.publications © DAI // Tanja Lemke-Mahdavi

iDAI.publications - Knowledge always available
The publication platform iDAI.publications is an important component of the DAI's digital research landscape, It provides free worldwide access to our online journals and the digital editions of a large number of DAI journals, monographs, serials and edited volumes.