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Dr. Dr. h.c. Theodor Hauschild – Honoring a Lifetime of Scientific Achievement


Dr. Julia Monar and Dr. Paul Scheding, the Director of the Madrid Department and Head of the Research Center in Lisbon, at the library opening. © DAI Madrid // Maria Latova

26.02.2025 | Forschungsstelle Lissabon

The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Lisbon, Dr. Julia Monar, and Dr. Paul Scheding jointly pay tribute to the academic legacy of Dr. Dr. h.c. Theodor Hauschild.

From February 24 to 26 2025, a special event took place in the Portuguese capital to honor the remarkable career of Dr. Dr. h.c. Theodor Hauschild, an exceptional archaeologist. Organized in close cooperation with the Património Cultural Instituto Público (PCIP) and the Ministry of Culture, the event highlighted not only Hauschild’s significant contributions to archaeological research in Portugal but also pointed towards the future. The reopening of of the Lisbon Research Center's renovated library symbolizes a bridge between tradition and innovation, building on Hauschild’s legacy, whose books form an important part of the collection: “Dr. Hauschild made outstanding contributions to research and intercultural understanding in Portugal. I am delighted with the restoration of the library, as it provides the basis for the future successful work of the German Archaeological Institute in Portugal,” ambassador Julia Monar emphasized.

The event opended on February 24 2025 with a lecture by Professor Carlos Fabião at the Universidade de Lisboa. His address honored Hauschild’s scientific achievements while underscoring the importance of the German Archaeological Institute’s (DAI) Lisbon branch as a vital center for academic exchange and diplomacy. In 1980, Hauschild took over the management of the Lisbon branch, leaving a profound impact on Portugal’s archaeological landscape. His extraordinary research on Roman architecture and urbanism – particularly in Milreu and Évora – continues to shape the field. The DAI seeks to build upon Hauschild’s lifetime achievements and his enduring commitment to archaeology in Portugal: “This event underscores the importance of scientific exchange, a mission the DAI has promoted for many years. The focus is on the collaboration between the Lisbon Research Centre and the DAI Madrid, as well as archaeological research in Portugal. The DAI plays a key role in strengthening scientific networks and fostering interdisciplinary dialogue,” Paul Scheding, Director of the Madrid Department and Head of the Research Center in Lisbon, explained.

Renovated Library, New Research Perspectives

In addition to reflecting on the past, the event provided a platform for future endeavors. The ceremonial reopening of the renovated library of the DAI Research Centre on February 25 2025, will foster interdisciplinary knowledge exchange: “By reopening this library, we are honoring the scientific past while also creating a space for future innovation. The legacy of Theodor Hauschild serves as an inspiration for future generations of researchers,” says Ana Catarina Sousa, Vice-President of the Portuguese Institute of Cultural Heritage. Today, with over 110.000 pieces of work, the library is the largest of its kind in Portugal and an indispensable repository for research and knowledge. The celebrations aimed to set new impulses for the future of archaeology in Portugal. Plans include new interdisciplinary long-term projects at the Zambujal excavation site near Torres Vedras, a Bronze Age fortified settlement, as well as the translation of Hauschild’s research in Évora into Portuguese.

When intercultural relations are faceing new challenges, research projects and the protection of cultural heritage can only succeed as collaborative efforts. The close cooperation between the DAI Madrid and Portuguese institutions like PCIP and the Ministry of Culture enables joint projects to be realized and academic networks to be strengthened across borders. The German Embassy in Lisbon supports these activities, contributing to mediation and networking between the scientific communities of both countries.

Dr. Julia Monar and Dr. Paul Scheding, the Director of the Madrid Department and Head of the Research Center in Lisbon, at the library opening. DAI Madrid // Maria Latova
Dr. Dr. h.c. Theodor Hauschild in Évora DAI Madrid // Peter Witte

PD Dr. Paul Scheding , Leitender Direktor Abteilung Madrid

Lilly Vieting , Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft Veranstaltungen/Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Doris Fleischer , Pressereferentin und stellv. Leitung Kommunikation

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