How is our research funded?
Typically, members of the public become acquainted with our work during visits to the studied sites. Sometimes, they even become captivated by the ancient ruins which, in the end, only become visible through excavation work. However, resuscitating time-worn vestiges in order to convey history and durably preserve cultural heritage for posterity is extremely costly and requires long-term and dependable financing.
The DAI's basic funding is assured by Germany's federal budget as part of the financial plan of the Federal Foreign Office (section 05). Third-party subsidies and international cooperation provide for research funding. Although fieldwork is closely coordinated with the authorities of the host countries, public funding in many countries around the world is often inadequate for ensuring necessary preservation measures. So, in order to warrant for public accessibility to the ancient sites, the DAI furthermore relies on financial support from private sources. Sponsors and private commitment have been backing the DAI for many years, among other things in its efforts to preserve world cultural heritage sites as well as financing archaeological projects within the ramifications of development cooperation.
Teilrekonstruktion der ehemaligen Stadtmauer der Hethiterhauptstadt Hattuscha © DAI // Anonym

Captivation for ancient and unique historical sites is the driving force behind our work, and this is often also the reason why private individuals and institutions feel inspired to support us financially. You too can contribute with a donation, for instance in helping to preserve and raising awareness for ancient monuments through the upkeep of conservation measures, shelters, signage, but also guiding matter and exhibitions. You may also like to decide for yourself which project you personally would like to support, either through punctual or long-term donations.
How to make a donation?
You can support the DAI's work by selecting an individual project. A complete list of projects can be found here. We will be happy to advise you on your decision. To do so, please contact our head office at info(a) or the respective excavation management you wish to support. Contact details may be found on the project pages.
Tax-effective donation receipts valid for the German tax authorities are automatically issues for any made donation. Donations can also be made abroad to the relevant circles of friends, such as the American Friends of the German Archaeological Institute (AFDAI).
Donation account in Germany:
Beneficiary: Bundeskasse Halle
Bank details: Deutsche Bundesbank Leipzig branch
IBAN: DE38 8600 000 000 8600 1040
Please always indicate as payment purpose the specific project you choose to support.
Neueinrichtung des Museums von Cherchell (Algerien) mit einem einzigartigen Bestand von ca. 400 Skulpturen und farbenprächtigen Mosaiken, das durch ein Erdbeben in den 1980er Jahren schwer beschädigt wurde. © DAI // Daniela Gauss

Support as a Foundation
The DAI is continually supported by national and international foundations. Together with the Studiosus Foundation, for example, it has been possible to carry out urgently needed conservation work on the Red Hall at Pergamon. The Levantis Foundation and the Pestalozzi Foundation have financed important anastylosis work on the Temple of Zeus in Olympia. The Kaplan Foundation and the Global Heritage Fund support our work in Turkey. Other scientific work has been consistently supported by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, the Gerda Henkel Foundation, the Volkswagen Foundation and the Tempelton Foundation, to name but a few.
Circles of Friends and Foundations
In addition to research, the German Archaeological Institute also supports the conservation of ancient monuments and the provision of information about them. This includes conservation measures and protective roofs, as well as signage and exhibition guides. We are supported in this by national and international foundations, as well as by private donors and sponsors.

Logo der Theodor Wiegand Gesellschaft © DAI/TWG // DAI
Theodor Wiegand Society
In 1929, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the DAI, the Theodor Wiegand Society (TWG) was founded to support the work of the Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage through membership fees, donations and the Society's assets. The TWG also provides scholarships for young scholars and supports the publication of archaeological works and scientific events.
The TWG website, provides information about its work and ways to support it. The society pursues charitable aims in the sense of the "tax-privileged purposes" of the tax code.

Logo der American Friends of the DAI © DAI/AFDAI // DAI
American Friends of the German Archaeological Institute
The American Friends of the German Archaeological Institute (AFDAI) was also founded to support the research of the DAI and its commitment to the preservation of cultural heritage. The society promotes scholarly exchange between colleagues in Germany and the USA. Through its work, the AFDAI helps to publicise the Institute's research in the USA and also provides financial support for individual research projects.

Logo der Freunde der Archäologie in Europa © DAI // DAI
Friends of Archaeology in Europe
Since 2004, the Friends of Archaeology in Europe e.V. have been supporting the work of the Roman-Germanic Commission of the German Archaeological Institute for research into the prehistory and early history of Europe. The registered association offers its members a varied programme of events on various topics of European antiquity and insights into the research of the Commission and its staff.
You can find out more about the work of the Friends and how you can support them on the Friends of Archaeology in Europe blog at

Logo der Amigos del Instituto Arqueologico Aleman de Madrid © DAI/Amigos // DAI
Asociación de Amigos del Instituto Arqueológico Alemán de Madrid
The Asociación de Amigos del Instituto Arqueológico Alemán de Madrid is under the patronage of the German Ambassador in Spain. Its aim is to promote and publicise the activities of the German Archaeological Institute in Madrid through targeted public relations work, guided tours of archaeological sites, museums and exhibitions. The Asociación also supports the translation of works on the archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula. It promotes German-Spanish relations in the fields of science and culture.

Anträge schreiben ist ein Teil der Arbeit von Archäologinnen und Archäologen © DAI // Scott Graham/Unsplash
The work of the German Archaeological Institute is funded by the Federal Foreign Office. The DAI is also supported in its efforts to preserve the world's cultural heritage and in archaeological projects in development cooperation by sponsors and private donations. In the modern scientific landscape, additional external funding is additionally required to realise specific research projects.
Our research infrastructures provide access to knowledge - sustainable, international and open