Our Employees

The DAI has more than 350 employees at 20 locations worldwide.

Türkisch-deutsches Grabungsteam im Gymnasion von Pergamon © DAI // Nicole Neuenfeld

Our Employees

We employ over 350 people across our 20 offices in Germany and abroad. This makes us the world's largest research institute in the field of archaeology and ancient studies.

Here you can find profiles of our colleagues and contact details for a specific research project, location and other topics from our field of activity.

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Dr. Alexander Ahrens Wissenschaftlicher Referent
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Nurhayat Alkaş Verwaltungsleiterin
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Ferran Antolin Leiter des Referats Naturwissenschaften
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Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Joni Apakidze Fertigstellung der Abschlussmonographie des DFG-Projektes "Die bronze- und früheisenzeitlichen Hortfunde der Kolchis-Kultur in West- und Zentralkaukasien“
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Antonella Aquaro Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft
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Dr. habil. Felix Arnold Wissenschaftlicher Direktor Abteilung Madrid
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Dr. Ines Balzer Wissenschaftliche Referentin