Ferran Antolin
Leiter des Referats Naturwissenschaften
Referat für Naturwissenschaften, Zentrale-ZWA, Zentrale
Head of the Division of Natural Sciences
I am an archaeobotanist interested in farmers across history: the plants they grew or gathered, how they were grown, tended, harvested and stored, how they were processed and used, how labour was organized, how risk was predicted and avoided, how farmers reacted to catastrophes and climate change, and that all of this tells us about past societies as well as about current society. Interdisciplinarity has always been paramount to my research and hence this is our main goal at the Division.
My research focuses on plant economy from the origins of farming until the Medieval period. I lead the archaeobotany team at the DAI, with one technician and several bachelor, master and PhD students. I participate in numerous projects at the DAI in North Africa, Croatia, Turkey, Iran and Mongolia, but also of other German universities working in Egypt and Irak. My own research projects are in Southern Europe. I coordinate the Research Cluster GroundCheck together with Ingo Heinrich and lead a project within KulturGutRetter aiming to predict the effects of climate change on archaeological sites.
I am also teaching Introduction to Archaeobotany and have taught for several years Domestication of Plants at the University of Basel. Currently I am designing a new lecture on Farming strategies and social structures.
Isolino Virginia (Lake Varese, Italy) : New Archaeobotanical Research at the Earliest Pile-Dwelling of the Circumalpine Area
Steiner, Bigna L.
La Serreta (Vilafranca del Penedès, Barcelona), un campo de silos entre el Neolítico Antiguo y la Edad del Bronce.
Oms Arias, F. Xavier
Living by the lake : Plant food diversity in a prehistoric lake-dwelling community in the Republic of North Macedonia
Holguin, Amy
Isotopic and DNA analyses reveal multiscale PPNB mobility and migration across Southeastern Anatolia and the Southern Levant
Araus, José L.
'Domestisensation' : Current State of Plant Analyses in Göbekli Tepe, Southeast Turkey
Öğüt, Birgül
Morphometrics of waterlogged archaeological seeds give new insights into the domestication and spread of Papaver somniferum L. in Western Europe
Jesus, Ana
New research on crop diversity of the early farmers in southeastern Europe (ca. 6400 − 5700 BCE)
Sabanov, Amalia
Véraza & le Vérazien : les fouilles aux Grottes de La Valette (1963-1964) et le Vérazien aujourd'hui
Al-Minya, Ägypten. Müll im Überfluss in der griechisch-römischen Bergsiedlung in Tuna el-Gebe. Die Kampagnen 2021 und 2022
Antolín, Ferran
El V milenio cal BC del macizo del Garraf : la secuencia del Neolítico Postcardial en la cueva de Can Sadurní (Begues, Barcelona).
Edo Benaiges, Manuel
The spread of agriculture in south-eastern Europe : new data from North-Macedonia
Mazzucco, Niccolò
The use of plants and domestic spaces in the Early Neolithic Pelagonia Valley : Preliminary results of the integrated archaeobotanical and micro-refuse approach
Sabanov, Amalia
Neolithic occupations (c. 5200-3400 cal BC) at Isolino Virginia (Lake Varese, Italy) and the onset of the pile-dwelling phenomenon around the Alps
Antolín, Ferran
Resinous deposits in Early Neolithic pottery vessels from the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula
Breu, Adrià
Tabellarischer Lebenslauf
Seit 2021
Adjunct Professor for Archaeobotany at the University of Basel
Seit 2021
Head of the Division of Natural Sciences at the German Archaeological Institute.
2018 – 2021
SNSF Professor, leading the AgriChange Project at the University of Basel
2014 – 2017
Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Basel.
2009 – 2013
PhD Student at the Autonomous University of Barcelona
El projecte «AgriChange» (2018-2022) ha estudiat evidències relacionades amb les pràctiques agrícoles d’una sèrie de jaciments clau per al neolític del nord-oest de la Mediterrània. L’objectiu és identificar moments de canvi en els cultius i establir-ne els factors detonants.