The DAI Cairo Department oversees research projects concerned with topics ranging from the Neolithic to modern times. Its focus is on the archaeology of pharaonic Egypt.


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Release of AV 93

19.12.2024 | Abteilung Kairo

The DAI Cairo Department presents its new publication AV 93

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New Publication of the Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo

19.10.2024 | Abteilung Kairo

Volume 79 of the Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo is now available on iDAI.publications as PDF and Journal Viewer edition

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Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo: Neue Ausgabe Online

19.10.2024 | Abteilung Kairo

Der 79. Band der Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo ist ab sofort auf iDAI.publications als PDF und Viewer-Ausgabe frei verfügbar

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Research Grant Kairo - "Luxor Grant" (Spring 2025)

12.09.2024 | Abteilung Kairo

Kennziffer: FS25-Kairo-Luxor1

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Release of AV 131

05.09.2024 | Abteilung Kairo

The Cairo Department presents its new publication AV 131

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Veröffentlichung AV 131

05.09.2024 | Abteilung Kairo

Die Abteilung Kairo präsentiert die Neuerscheinung AV 131

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Release of SDAIK 48

04.09.2024 | Abteilung Kairo

The Cairo Department presents its new publication SDAIK 48

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Old Kingdom mastaba tomb with rare, finely painted decoration discovered in Dahshur

27.03.2024 | Abteilung Kairo

The newly discovered, richly decorated mastaba tomb dates from the late 5th or early 6th dynasty (ca. 2300 BC) and comprises seven burial shafts and a cult chamber.


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Abendvortrag von Richard Hoffmann: "Common carp, the Colonizer of medieval Europe and the modern world"

Freunde der Archäologie in Europa e. V.

31. March 2025

Romano-Germanic Commission