Our advisory bodies
In addition to the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the appointment committees, and the General Assembly, additional committees and advisory boards complement the German Archaeological Institute's committees of scientific self-administration through further advisory assistance to the administration.
The Scholarship Committee
The scholarship awards by the Executive Committee, in particular the DAI travel grants, the Wülfingstipendium, and research fellowships are prepared by a scholarship committee chaired by the President.
Members of the Scholarship Committee
- Prof. Dr. Friederike Fless - The President (Head)
- Prof. Dr. Katja Sporn - DAI, Representative Directorate
- Prof. Dr. Ruth Bielfeldt – LMU München, Classical Archaeology
- Prof. Dr. Ulrike Fauerbach - TU Braunschweig, Building Research
- Prof. Dr. Kaja Harter-Uibopuu - Universität Hamburg, Ancient History
- Prof. Dr. Lutz Käppel - Universität zu Kiel, Classical Philology
- Prof. Dr. Carola Metzner-Nebelsick - LMU München, Prehistoric Archaeology
- Prof. Dr. Monika Trümper - Freie Universität Berlin, Classical Archaeology
The Built Heritage Committee
The task of the Built Heritage Committee is to assess and advise on restoration projects carried out parallel to the DAI's excavations under the prerequisites of monument preservation concepts, feasibility, and the necessity of the proposed measures. The committee meetings are coordinated by the Architecture Commission at the headquarters.
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Fauerbach - TU Braunschweig, Building Research
- Prof. Dr. Friederike Fless - President of the German Archaeological Institute
- Dr. Philipp von Rummel - Secretary General of the German Archaeological Institute
- Dr.-Ing. Katja Piesker - Scientific Director of the Head Office and Head of the Architecture Department of the German Archaeological Institute
- Prof. Dr. Steffen Laue - Fachhochschule Potsdam, Architecture and urban development
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Nohlen (i. R.) - Hochschule RheinMain
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schwarting - Hochschule Konstanz, Architecture and design
- Dipl.-Ing. Axel Seemann - Consulting engineer, Berlin
- Dipl.-Ing. Josef Steiner - Ingenieurgruppe Bauen
The scientific advisory boards of the departments and commissions
With regard to matters of research, the departments and commissions at the DAI are counselled by advisory boards on subject-related developments, implementing research plans, and conceiving research projects. Their constituting members from archaeological and related disciplines as represented at universities, museums, and other scholarly institutions respectively reflect the profiles of the departments and commissions.
Romano-Germanic Commission, Frankfurt a.M.
Joseph Maran, Heidelberg
Doris Mischka, Erlangen
- Amy Bogaard, Oxford
- Sebastian Brather, Freiburg
- Alexander Heising, Freiburg
- Rüdiger Krause, Frankfurt a.M.
- Michael Rind, Münster
- Brigitte Röder, Basel
- Jan Schuster, Lodz
- Thomas Terberger, Hannover
- Claus Wolf, Stuttgart
- Sabine Wolfram, Chemnitz
Commission for Ancient History and Epigraphy, München
Bruno Bleckmann, Düsseldorf
Karen Radner, München
- Andrea Binsfeld, Esch-sur-Alzette (LUX)
- Henning Börm, Rostock
- Peter Eich, Freiburg i.Br.
- Pierre Fröhlich, Bordeaux
- Andrea Jördens, Heidelberg
- Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner, Tübingen
- Johannes Wienand, Braunschweig
Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures, Bonn
Christian Reepmeyer, Nicosia
Karoline Noack, Bonn
- Julia Hegewald, Bonn
- Eric Huysecom, Genf
- Bernhard Irmler, Augsburg
- Wiebke Kirleis, Kiel
- Oliver Lueb, Köln
- Lukas Nickel, Wien
- Iken Paap, Berlin
Zentrale, Wiss. Abteilung und Zentrale Wissenschaftliche Dienste
Michael Meyer, Berlin
Martina Seifert, Hamburg
Kai Christian Bruhn, Mainz
Andreas Heiss, Wien
Corinna Rohn, Wiesbaden
Thomas Stäcker, Darmstadt
Rome Department
Sabine Schrenk, Bonn
Stefan Ritter, München
Alexandra Busch, Mainz
Alexander von Kienlin, München
Gabriel Zuchtriegel, Pompei
Athen Department
Peter Funke, Münster
Aliki Moustaka, Thessaloniki
Elgin von Gaisberg, Berlin
Peter Pavúk, Prag
Andreas Vött, Mainz
Kairo Department
Regine Schulz, Hildesheim
Richard Bußmann, Köln
- Lorenz Korn, Bamberg
- Tonio Sebastian Richter, Berlin
- Wolfram Schier, Berlin
Istanbul Department
Dirk Steuernagel, Regensburg
Barbara Horejs, Wien
- Dietmar Kurapkat, Regensburg
- Aslı Özyar, Istanbul
- Fabian Stroth, Freiburg
Madrid Department
Martin Bartelheim, Tübingen
Anja Klöckner, Frankfurt a.M.
- Francine Giese, Romont
- José Miguel Noguera Celdrán, Murcia
- Hélène Sader, Beirut
Orient Department
Peter Pfälzner, Tübingen
Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum, Berlin
- Alexandra Jeberien, Berlin
- Daniel Lohmann, Köln
- Dietrich Raue, Leipzig
Eurasia Department
Reinhard Bernbeck, Berlin
Marzena Szmyt, Poznan
- Stefan Burmeister, Kalkriese
- Henny Piezonka, Kiel
- Richard Posamentir, Tübingen

The scientific advisory boards of the DAI publications
The DAI furthermore appoints advisory boards in its respective departments that consist of representatives from various institutions and charged with assessing the academic quality of contributions destined for publication. All scholarly matter published by the DAI is therefore submitted to a scientific peer reviewing process. Additional information on the advisory boards, the quality assurance, and the peer reviewing processes can be found in the respective journal- or series pages at iDAI.publications.