Testbeschreibung © Dummy35 // Dummy1

The lecture programme 2023/2024 of the Istanbul Department is online


Vortragsprogramm 2023/2024 der Abteilung Istanbul. © DAI-IST // M. Kinzel / B. Akan

13.10.2023 | Abteilung Istanbul

The lecture programme 2023/2024 of the Istanbul Department is online!

Our new Lecture Programme 2023/ 2024 is online! The lectures will take place on Thursdays at 18:00 (Istanbul time) in the announced language. The events will be held in a hybrid format at the Institute and online on ZOOM.

Information about the events will be shared on our website, facebook and Instagram. For participation in person, please register in advance by 15:00 on the day of the lecture at lectures.istanbul@dainst.de

The series will begin with a lecture by Prof Dr Ayşe Tuba Ökse on "100 Jahre Archäologie in der Republik Türkei".

Online registration link for the first lecture: https://dainst-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAld-mrqD4tGtPWsJYqVzLJv3u4JsPgN9Zf

Vortragsprogramm 2023/2024 der Abteilung Istanbul. DAI-IST // M. Kinzel / B. Akan
Veranstaltungsplakat "100 Jahre Archäologie in der Republik Türkei", Prof. Dr. Ayşe Tuba Ökse. DAI-IST // M. Kinzel / B. Akan

Dr.-Ing. Moritz Kinzel , Stellvertretende Leitung Abteilung Istanbul

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Podbielskiallee 69
14195 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 187711-120
Mail: presse@dainst.de