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Ceremonial opening after restoration
On the 5th of June 2024 there will be a ceremonial opening of the Madafeh (guest room) of the Bait Hussein Al Rousan with an exhibition in the upper village Alhara Alfoqa (Umm Qays, Jordan)
New paper in Quaternary Science Reviews
Discovery of Australia's oldest pottery rewrites understanding of Aboriginal maritime history.
Old Kingdom mastaba tomb with rare, finely painted decoration discovered in Dahshur
The newly discovered, richly decorated mastaba tomb dates from the late 5th or early 6th dynasty (ca. 2300 BC) and comprises seven burial shafts and a cult chamber.
2023 SAF Field Discovery Award
Heiko Prümers (KAAK) and Carla Jaimes Betancourt (University of Bonn) have received this year's SAF Field Discovery Award for the project "Pre-Hispanic low-density urbanism in the Bolivian Amazon".