Staatsministerin des AA, Katja Keul zu Besuch im National Museum der Salomonen

Hon. Katja Keul, German Minister of State and the Supervising Minister of Culture and Tourism, Hon. Manasseh Maelanga © Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT), Honiara, Solomon Islands // Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT), Honiara, Solomon Islands
Im Rahmen ihrer Pazifikreise nach Samoa, zu den Salomonen und nach Papua Neuguinea besuchte die Staatsministerin des Auswärtigen Amts, Katja Keul zusammen mit der deutschen Botschafterin in Australien Beate Grzeski und dem deutschen Botschafter in Fidschi und zugleich Sonderbotschafter für die Pazifischen Inselstaaten, Andreas Prothmann, das National Museum der Salomonen in Honiara. Dieser Besuch auf den Salomonen sei nach Mitteilung der Staatsministerin Katja Keul der erste überhaupt einer Vertreterin der Bundesregierung und zeige die Wichtigkeit des Dialogs und die Bedeutung gemeinsamer Projekte für die zukünftige Zusammenarbeit. Die Kommission für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts ist seit mittlerweile 15 Jahren mit ihren Forschungen zur Besiedlungsgeschichte auf den Salomonen tätig.
Die Staatsministerin Katja Keul wurde von unserem Kooperationspartner Lawrence Kiko, stellvertretender Direktor des Solomon Islands National Museums, durch die archäologische Sammlung, die auch Artefakten aus unseren Grabungen enthält, geführt. Im Kultur- und Tourismusministerium wurde von Lawrence Kiko im Beisein des Supervising Minister for Culture and Tourism, Hon. Manasseh Maelanga ein Vortrag zu unserer langjährigen Partnerschaft gehalten.
Neben der Archäologie wurden auch Themen zum Kulturerhalt, Klimawandel sowie zum Kapitel des deutschen Kolonialismus auf den Salomonen angesprochen.
Ende dieses Jahres wird im National Museum der Salomonen eine Ausstellung zu den Ergebnissen und Fundmaterial aus den gemeinsamen archäologischen Forschungen gezeigt werden.
Pressemitteilung des Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT)
Media Release
Historic meeting between German Minister of State and Solomon Islands Supervising Minister for Culture and Tourism
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism is pleased to announce a significant and productive meeting between the Minister of State of the Federal Republic of Germany and her delegation and the Supervising Minister for Culture and Tourism, Hon. Manasseh Maelanga.
On July 12th, 2024, Hon. Katja Keul, German Minister of State, led a delegation of five to the Solomon Islands, marking a significant diplomatic event. Accompanying the Minister of State were; H.E. Beate Grzeski, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Australia and Ambassador designate to the Independent State of Papua New Guinea; H.E. Andreas Prothmann, Ambassador to Fiji and Special Envoy to the Pacific Island States; Ms Martina Hammer, Office of the Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office; Ms Franziska Toufar, Desk Officer for the Pacific Island States at the Federal Foreign Office ; and a Germany Consular to Solomon Island Ms Jessica Bradford, visited the Ministry of Culture and Tourism where they were received by the Supervising Minister of Culture and Tourism, Hon. Manasseh Maelanga, alongside PS Bunyan Sivoro, DS Philip Sukibuka, Lawrence Kiko (Deputy Director of National Museum & Art Gallery), Director of Tourism (Ag)-Gregory Auta’a and HRM Eddie Aife.
The meeting centred around the shared history that links the two nations, dating back to the colonial era when Germany administered parts of what is now the Solomon Islands, including Choiseul, Ysabel, Ontong Java, and the Shortland Islands. This historical connection has laid the foundation and forged a strong bond between Germany and the Solomon Islands, which both parties are eager to honor and preserve.
Hon. Maelanga expressed his appreciation for the visit and highlighted the importance of acknowledging this shared history. He noted that this legacy provides a unique opportunity to develop cultural and historical tourism, which would benefit the local economy and enhance bilateral relations.
A key point of discussion was the ongoing collaboration between the Solomon Islands National Museum and the German Institute of Archaeology, which has been in place since 2012. This partnership has led to numerous archaeological research projects and studies in Malaita, Guadalcanal, and Ngella, focusing on lithic (stone tools) and prehistoric sites. The findings from these studies have been fascinating and invaluable in understanding the rich prehistory of the Solomon Islands.
During the meeting, staff from the National Museum presented the latest findings from these collaborative archaeological efforts. The presentation underscored the depth and significance of the discoveries, showcasing the fruitful results of the partnership between the Solomon Islands and Germany.
Both the Minister of State of the Federal Republic of Germany and Hon. Maelanga assured their commitment to continuing and expanding this collaboration in the future. They emphasized the importance of further archaeological research and cultural preservation efforts, recognizing that these endeavours not only strengthen academic and cultural ties but also contribute to the global understanding of human history.
The meeting concluded with a shared vision of deepening the relationship between Germany and the Solomon Islands through continued dialogue, cooperative projects, and cultural exchange, recognizing that the shared history is a valuable asset for both nation. Both parties are optimistic about the future and the potential for even greater achievements together.
Johannes Moser
, Wissenschaftlicher Referent für Asien & Ozeanien
DAI Pressestelle
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Tel.: +49 (0)30 187711-120

Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Solomon Islands