The first martime network in Pleistocene Wallacea

Karte mit Obsidian-Fundplätze im Forschungsgebiet © DAI-KAAK // Christian Reepmeyer



This project aims to locate the source island for the exotic obsidian and investigate the nature, intensity, and geographic reach of this remarkable early maritime interaction sphere.

The following research questions will form the focus of this DP:

1. Investigate the location, geographic extent and detailed chronology of the distribution of obsidian in the Southern Wallacea islands.

2. Compare distribution and interaction behaviour of obsidian exploitation in relation to other raw materials and artefacts, including potential emblems of network identity, such as the shell disc beads which appear at the same time as exotic obsidian variants in the assemblages. 

3. Evaluate new technologies (fishhooks, shell adzes) in relation to increased maritime resource use in the Post-glacial period.

4. Evaluate the emergence of and fluctuations in the southern Wallacean maritime interaction sphere in the context of substantial environmental changes (sea-level, vegetation) that occurred in the terminal Pleistocene to mid Holocene.

Panorama Tron Bon Lei Fundplatz auf Alor © DAI-KAAK // Shimona Kealy
Tron Bon Lei Fundplatz auf Alor © DAI-KAAK // Sue O'Connor