Research Questions of edo|cation
The city of Benin is surrounded by two rings of high earthen ramparts and ditches, built in the first half of the 15th century by Oba Ewuare, which still characterize the cityscape today. The edo|cation project aims to clarify the question of the exact dating and possible construction phases.
Connected to the city fortifications is a network of earthen ramparts and ditches that extends far into the hinterland and is estimated to be 16,000 km long in total. The work in the project is intended to follow up on previous research and clarify the exact dimensions and extent of the Iya.
Connected to this is the question of the functions of the structures outside the city, which go beyond mere defensive measures.
The network of moats visibly connects the hinterland of Benin with the central city. The urban structure reflects the social hierarchies in the Kingdom of Benin. Within this hierarchies the Oba rules in extensive palace compounds. In comparison, how does the representation of rule manifest itself in the periphery, and what are the relationships between rural settlements and the urban center?
Another important research question is the current preservation of Benin's cultural heritage and pressing threats. How can the unique monuments and material culture be best preserved and secured for the future?
Benin's archaeology is embedded in the dense tropical rainforest of West Africa. The question is how this landscape has evolved over the last 1500 years, how environmental changes have affected the cultural development of the people and how the people changed their environment.
It is important to ask about the needs of archaeology and heritage conservation in Nigeria, how it can currently be strengthened, and how the safeguarding of cultural property should look in the future.
Goals of edo|cation
The goals of the edo|cation project are to document and survey the large earthworks of Benin and to map them accurately. In addition, clarifying their function and structural development. Another goal is to help developing plans for the protection of the earthworks, which will complement the already existing measures. This concerns not only the earthworks and ditches, but the entire historic fabric of Benin City, such as residential buildings and shrines.
Other goals of the work include strengthening archaeological capacity in Benin City by teaching digital archaeological methods and creating a base for further research projects. This base includes, in particular, the development of the archaeological research center in the future Edo Museum for West African Art (EMOWAA).
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