Digitale Numismatik

The main focuses of "Digitale Numismatik" are: the database Antike Fundmünzen in Europa (AFE-WEB) as a data repository for research on the production and use of coinage in Western and Central Europe from the late Iron Age to the Early Medieval period, and the modelling and networking of numismatic data on the semantic web.

Screenshots of the database AFE-WEB © DAI + RGK // David Wigg-Wolf (RGK)

DAI Standort  Römisch-Germanische Kommission

Projektart  Verbundforschung mit Teilprojekten

Laufzeit  01.2021 - 08.2024

Disziplinen  Numismatik, Digital Humanities

Projektverantwortlicher  Wissenschaftlicher Referent David Wigg-Wolf

Adresse  Palmengartenstraße 10-12 , 60325 Frankfurt am Main


Laufzeit  2021 - 2024

Projektart  Verbundforschung mit Teilprojekten

Cluster/Forschungsplan  RGK - Archäologische Episteme in Entwicklung: Zu Landschaften, Objekten und Daten

Fokus  Objektforschung, Auswertung, Edition, Modellierung

Disziplin  Numismatik, Digital Humanities

Methoden  Datennachnutzung, Elektronische Datenverarbeitung, Literaturrecherche, Materialuntersuchungen, Quellenkritik, Retrodigitalisierung, Statistik

Partner  Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Schlagworte  Münzen

Projekt-ID  5617


"Digitale Numismatik" embraces a range of projects concerned with the recording, modelling, publishing and analysing numismatic data.

The main focus is on the development, together with the Big Data Lab of the Goethe Univesity Frankfurt, of the coin find database, AFE-WEB, which is employed by partners across Europe. The RGK installation serves as the numismatic module for Corpus der römischen Funde im Europäischen Barbaricum (CRFB) and provides a data repository for a renge of research on the production and use of coinage in Western and Central Europe from the late Iron Age to the Early Medieval.

AFE-WEB is embedded in the wider world of linked open data and semantic web, and the RGK is a leading partner in the internationally recognised numismatic linked open data project Other international networking activities include convening the European Coin Find Network (ECFN), and chairing the DARIAH-EU Digital Numismatics Working Group.

Externally funded projects include the EU-funded archaeological portal ARIADNEplus, the joint German-Polish Beethoven project "IMAGMA: Imagines Maiestatis. Barbarian Coins, Elite Identities and the Birth of Europe", the Horizon 2020 project "NETCHER: NETwork and digital platform for Cultural Heritage Enhancing and Rebuilding", Online Coins of the Roman Empire (OCRE), and the BMBF project "ClaReNet: Classifications and Representations for Networks. From types and characteristics to linked open data for celtic coinages".