The Institute’s Papers from the period prior to the Second World War

The indexing, cataloguing and digitalisation of the institute’s records from 1899 to 1939 enables researchers to access information on the history of the early years of the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo and its place within contemporary developments and political movements.

Schreiben von Alfred Bollacher (Akademische Kommission zur Herausgabe des Wörterbuchs der ägyptischen Sprache) an Ludwig Borchardt mit Rückgabe der Protokolle der Sitzungen des Comité d'Égyptologie 1903-1905. Letter from Alfred Bollacher (Akademische Kommission zur Herausgabe des Wörterbuchs der ägyptischen Sprache) to Ludwig Borchardt with return of the protocols of the meetings of the Comité d'Égyptologie 1903-1905. © DAI Kairo // L. Borchardt (Bestandsbildner)

DAI Standort  Abteilung Kairo, Archive at the Cairo Department

Projektart  Einzelprojekt

Laufzeit  seit 2007

Disziplinen  Ägyptologie, Forschungsgeschichte, Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Projektverantwortlicher  Dr. Clara Jeuthe



Team  Dr. Clara Jeuthe, Jaroslav Halik

Laufzeit  seit 2007

Projektart  Einzelprojekt

Fokus  Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Edition, Infrastrukturprojekte, Kulturerhalt/Cultural Heritage, Thematische Forschung

Disziplin  Ägyptologie, Forschungsgeschichte, Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Methoden  Datennachnutzung, Elektronische Datenverarbeitung, Literaturrecherche

Schlagworte  Disziplinen und Fachrichtungen, Ereignisse, Konflikte, Soziale Ereignisse und Veranstaltungen, Tätigkeiten des Lebensunterhalts und Wohlergehens, Forschungspraktiken, Neuzeit, Organisationen, Personen

Projekt-ID  5090



The institute’s records offer extensive insights into the history of Egyptology. For example, the activities of the missions and researchers working in Egypt are discussed in Borchardt’s regular reports to the "Akademische Kommision zur Herausgabe des Wörterbuches der ägyptischen Sprache". Moreover, further information can be found concerning a variety of social and political issues, such as such as bi- and multinational relations, as well as imperialism. Along with other documents, they present a clear image of the development of Egyptology and its political backdrop.


At present, the corpus has only been organized at the level of dossiers, but not at the level of individual documents. In order to examine the latter, a project to systematically scan all documents started in 2019 in Cairo, and, in 2020, also in Berlin. Simultaneously, the construction of a database for the purposes of further cataloguing has begun, allowing searches according to persons, institutions, and places, in addition to presenting summaries of content. Integration within iDAI archives (using AtoM as online platform) is planned for 2021.