Resafa – Sergiupolis − Rusafat Hisham. Formation and Development of a Pilgrimage City in Northern Syria

Resafa is one of the most important archaeological sites of the Roman, Byzantine und Early islamic period in the Eastern Mediterranean with an impressive status of conservation of the monuments. The site was founded as Roman frontier fortification in the 1st century AD and stayed occupied until the 13th century. Research on the site…

Resafa, Tachymetrische Aufnahmen am Zentralbau, 2007 © DAI // Martin Gussone

DAI Standort  Damascus Branch, Orient-Abteilung

Laufzeit  seit 2013

Projektverantwortlicher  Dr.-Ing. Claudia Bührig, Dr. Alexander Ahrens



Team  Ibrahim Salman, Dr.-Ing. Ulrike Siegel

Laufzeit  seit 2013

Projekt-ID  4473



Resafa is located in northern Syria, some 50 km southwest of Raqqa and 25 km from the Euphrates River. Its origins in Late Antiquity, the city covers an area of c. 400 m x 600 m that encompasses several importance churches and supply installations; it is enclosed by a wall, great sections of which are still well preserved. The surrounding countryside displays traces of settlements varying in density from Byzantine and Islamic times. In the southern part of the town is the residence of the Umayyad Caliph Hisham b. Abd al-Malik, which comprises several palace complexes extending over an area of c. 3 km².