Emmanuele Petiti, Dr. rer. nat.
Referat für Naturwissenschaften, Zentrale-ZWA, Zentrale, Anthropolgie
Im Dol 2-6
14195 Berlin
Emmanuele Petiti is a bioarchaeologist and paleopathologist.
His fieldwork experience covers several regions in Europe and the Middle East and his laboratory skills include the use of a wide spectrum of diagnostic tools and imaging techniques.
He is also responsible for: sampling for biomolecular analyses, devising ad-hoc data collection and data maintenance solutions, and supporting outreach intitiatives, by contributing to the creation of videos, blogs and other web and multimedia content.
First osteological evidence of severed hands in Ancient Egypt
Gresky, Julia
A critical review of the anthropological and paleopathological literature on osteopetrosis as an ancient rare disease (ARD)
Gresky, Julia
How rare is rare? A literature survey of the last 45 years of paleopathological research on ancient rare diseases
Gresky, Julia
Societies in crisis mode ? : Resilience of ecosystems and settlements in extreme climate zones
Hausleiter, Arnulf
Gesellschaften im Krisenmodus? Resilienz von Ökosystemen und Siedlungen in extremen Klimazonen
Hausleiter, Arnulf
Il gruppo familiare goto di Collegno
Giostra, Caterina
Funerary landscapes in 2nd Millennium BCE Tayma
Hausleiter, Arnulf
Fujairah, United Arab Emirates : Archaeological investigations at the site of Dibba 76: Late Bronze Age - Iron Age multiple tombs and their buried individuals. Season 2017.
Pfeiffer, Kristina
Archaeological Research in Fujairah : Qidfa Reconsidered
Pfeiffer, Kristina
Bioarchaeology and Neo-Assyrian Burial Customs. Case Study on a Tomb Excavated in the City of Arbil
Petiti, Emmanuele
Montecastello, una comunità ligure della valle Tanaro tra età del Bronzo finale e seconda età del Ferro.
Venturino Gambari, Marica.
Primo tentativo di interpretazioite sistematica dei rituali di cremazione in Piemonte tra la medio-tarda età del Bronzo e l'età del Ferro, Elena Bedini, Emmanuele Periti.
Bedini, Elena
Longobardi in Piemonte : gli aspetti paleobiologici.
Bedini, Elena
Sepolture animali in necropoli longobarde : gli esempi del Piemonte.
Petiti, Emmanuele
Excavations in the City of Arbil, 2009–2011 : The Neo-Assyrian Tomb
Ess, Margarete van
Tabellarischer Lebenslauf
2023 – 2024
Postdoctoral Researcher: CRC 1266: “Scales of Transformation: Human-Environmental Interaction in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies”.
Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology and Institute of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology, Kiel University, Germany.
2017 – 2019
Assistant Researcher: The osteoarchaeological assemblages from Harnackstraße, Berlin.
Freie Univeristät Berlin, Germany.
2016 – 2016
Lecturer: Bioarchaeology of food.
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
2011 – 2014
PhD: Biology, Ecology, Ethology, Anthropology and Biosystematic.
University of Florence, Italy.
2010 – 2013
Teaching Assistant.
Department of Archaeology, University of Pisa, Italy.
2010 – 2017
Scholarship for guest researchers (8 times).
German Archaeological Institute, Berlin.
2009 – 2009
Postgraduate Research scholarship.
University of Florence, Italy.
2008 – 2022
Assistant Researcher, several projects at the German Arhcaeological Institute, Berlin:
Baalbek (Lebanon),
Uruk and Erbil (Iraq),
Athens and Olympia (Greece),
Tayma (Saudi Arabia),
Amman (Jordan),
Fujairah (United Arab Emirates).
2008 – 2009
2nd Level University Master Course: Biological Anthropology of the Mediterranean Regions.
University of Florence, Italy.
2007 – 2012
Laboratory Assistant and Data Manager.
Anthropozoologica (Italy).
1999 – 2007
Master of Arts: Archaeology.
University of Pisa, Italy.