TransArea Network Africa (TANA)
The DAI has been working on the African continent for a long time. From its traditional areas of work in Egypt and the Maghreb, projects have expanded across sub-Saharan Africa to Sudan, Ethiopia, Mozambique and South Africa, among others. With a new focus, time periods from the Middle Stone Age (MSA) to modern times are being researched. Environmental influences on settlement and land use strategies, as well as the study of sedentarisation, migration movements and the colonial period are among the many other complex research topics.
Due to these diverse issues, the activities are carried out by different work units depending on the region and research topic, such as the Madrid, Rome and Cairo departments, the Oriental Department, the Commission for the Archaeology of Non-European Cultures and the head office. The TransArea Network Africa (TANA) was founded in 2014 to improve networking between the DAI's Africa projects and with its African and global partners. It creates physical and virtual platforms for scientific exchange, organises public relations work, coordinates training programmes and raises funds for research and training projects as well as measures to protect cultural assets. In addition, TANA also strengthens the relevance of Africa in the German research landscape through cooperation with universities and other German institutions.
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