Kleinitz, C., Apoh, W., Fiador, E. K., Kurapkat, D., Linstädter, J., Loges, K., Verstegen, U. und Zeitler, A. (2023) „Kpando, Volta Region, Ghana. Archaeology and ›Shared Heritage‹ of German Colonialism in Former Togoland. Research in 2022 and 2023“
Jörg Linstädter & Cornelia Kleinitz (ICOMOS Conference TU Munich, 03-04 Nov 2023): Collaborative Approaches to the (Built) ‘Shared Heritage’ of German Colonialism in Africa (Volta/Ghana and Pangani/Tanzania)
C. Kleinitz et al (2024), Kpando, Ghana. Investigating townscapes and soundscapes of the German colonial period: Building Archaeology, (Oral) Histories and Sound Studies in the Volta Region. Research in 2024 (e-FB 2024-2: 38-58)