Edo|cation: Capacity Building and Research in Nigeria

Edo|cation supports the development of an archaeological research center in Benin City. In addition, the project explores the culture of the Kingdom of Benin, for example linear earthworks, and older periods within the city as well as in the surroundings of Benin City.

Grabenwallanlage von Benin mit seitlich gesehener Torsituation. Links vom Erdwall befindet sich der Graben, rechts die Stadtseite. © DAI KAAK Christian Schepers // Christian Schepers

DAI Standort  Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures

Projektart  Einzelprojekt

Laufzeit  2022 - 2024

Disziplinen  Archäologie, Digital Humanities

Projektverantwortlicher  PD Dr. Jörg Linstädter

Adresse  Dürenstr. 35-37 Bonn , 53173 Bonn

Email  Joerg.Linstaedter@dainst.de

Team  Jan Hubert, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Christian Hartl-Reiter, Christian Schepers

Laufzeit  2022 - 2024

Projektart  Einzelprojekt

Cluster/Forschungsplan  KAAK - Formen sesshafter Lebensweise und Nischenbildung (Siedlungs- und Landschaftsarchäologie)

Fokus  Kulturerhalt/Cultural Heritage, Feldforschung

Disziplin  Archäologie, Digital Humanities

Methoden  3D-Dokumentation, Digitale Dokumentation, Fotogrammetrie, Vermessung, Feldforschung, Literaturrecherche, Fernerkundung, GIS-Analyse, LiDAR, Satellitenaufnahmen, Surveys, Monitoring, Structure from Motion (SfM)

Partner  Edo Museum of West African Art, University of Ibadan, Department of Archaeology & Anthropology

Förderer  Auswärtiges Amt - Kulturerhaltprogramm, Auswärtiges Amt

Schlagworte  Digital Humanities, Beziehung Stadt-Land, Kulturphänomene, Denkmäler, Raum, Befestigungen, Stadtbefestigungen, Wall, Wehrgräben, Erde, Lineare Ausdehnungen, Museen

Projekt-ID  5675


Following previous conversations between Nigerian and German delegations on the restitution of the so-called "Benin Bronzes", the work of the project "Edo|cation", initiated by the Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures (KAAK) at the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), begun with funding from the German Federal Foreign Office in 2022. Edo|cation supports the establishment of an archaeological research center in Benin City, Nigeria. The research center will be part of the future "Edo Museum of West African Art" (EMOWAA) that will be built there. The DAI will especially support the cooperation with local institutions and colleagues. In joint workshops and joint research with the National Commission for Museums and Monuments (NCMM), EMOWAA and the University of Ibadan, digital methods of documenting historical sites will be discussed, taught and used. Together with these institutions and local artists from Benin City, concepts for further research and presentation of the material culture of the Kingdom of Benin will also be developed. This includes in particular the Moats of Benin (Iya), which surround the city center and extend far into the surrounding countryside. There they branch out into a dense network and thus belong to the largest archaeological monuments in the world.

Projekt News & Blogbeiträge

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Edo|cation: Researching and Preserving the Cultural Heritage of Benin

21.10.2024 | Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures

Edo|cation is part of archaeological and cultural partnership between Nigeria and Germany in the framework of the restitution of the socalled Benin Bronzes in 2022.

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Gespräche zu Museumsprojekt in Benin-City

07.10.2021 | Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures

DAI-Generalsekretär Philipp von Rummel empfing Phillip Ihenacho, Direktor des Vorstands des LRT und Charles Le Quesne, Archäologischer Berater des LRT an der Zentrale in Berlin und stellte das Institut und dessen Arbeit vor.