Nomads in the Orkhon Valley – The ancient Uyghur capital Karabalgasun (745–840)

Built within a few years, the ancient Uyghur city Karabalgasun served as the capital of the Uyghur Empire from 745 to 840. Since 2007 the city and its hinterland has been focused by the archaeological research of the Mongolian-German Orchon-Expedition.

Fragment des Inschriftensteins von Karabalgasun, im Hintergrund der 9 Meter hohe Wall der Zitadelle. © DAI KAAK // Anonym

Laufzeit  seit 2007

Projektverantwortlicher  Janna Fabry, Dr. Christina Franken

Adresse  Dürenstr. 35-37 , 53173 Bonn


Team  Dr. phil. Hendrik Rohland

Laufzeit  seit 2007

Projekt-ID  5297



The cooperation partners of the Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures (KAAK) and the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS) initiated a second project in addition to the Mongolian-German Karakorum-Expedition (MDKE) in 2007.

The new Mongolian-German Orkhon-Expedition (MONDOrEx) deals with the investigation of urban settlements in the Orkhon Valley established by nomadic tribes. Special focus lies on the Uyghur capital Karabalgasun, which is about 35 kilometres southwest to the ancient Mongolian city Karakorum, as well as on its relationship to the hinterland.