
The island Elephantine with its homonymous ancient settlement is located at the northern end of the first cataract of the river Nile opposite the modern city of Aswan. Since about 3300 BC it was continuously used for settlement as well as for the erection of sacral buildings and graves.

Luftbildaufnahme der archäologischen Stätte von Elephantine, Blick nach Westen © DAI Kairo // A. Hassan

DAI Standort  Abteilung Kairo

Laufzeit  seit 09.01.1969

Disziplinen  Ägyptologie, Bauforschung, Stadtarchäologie

Projektverantwortlicher  Dr.-Ing. Martin Saehlhof

Adresse  31 Abu el Feda , 11211 Kairo

Email  Martin.Saehlhof@dainst.de

Team  Dr. phil. Johanna Sigl, Dr. des. Marie-Kristin Schroeder, Dr. Clara Jeuthe, Dr. habil. Felix Arnold, Peter Kopp, Omar Kassab, Dietrich Raue, Bassem Ezzat, Elisabeth Wegner, Stephan Seidlmayer, Ferran Antolin, Sibel Erhan, Salome Thyen

Laufzeit  seit 1969

Cluster/Forschungsplan  KAI - Komplexe Siedlungsformen

Fokus  Feldforschung

Disziplin  Ägyptologie, Bauforschung, Stadtarchäologie

Methoden  Architektonische Bauaufnahme, Feldforschung, Ausgrabungen

Partner  Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities MoTA

Projekt-ID  5234

Permalink  https://www.dainst.org/projekt/-/project-display/25953


The excavation project Elephantine is one of the largest and longest research projects of the DAI Cairo in Egypt. Located at the northern end of the First Nile Cataract, Elephantine controlled all traffic of people and trade goods to and from ancient Egypt. As the mythical place of the wells of the Nile, the island city gained an important status for the worshipping of gods since early pharaonic history.