Karakorum – City of Genghis Khan

Since 1999 the Mongolian-German Karakorum-Expedition has been investigating the ancient Mongolian capital Karakorum. The archaeological excavations in the “city of Genghis Khan” have provided new information that changes the previously known image of Karakorum fundamentally.

Granitschildkröte, die als Inschriftenbasis in Karakorum aufgestellt wurde, im Hintergrund das Kloster Erdene Zuu © DAI KAAK // Anonym

DAI Standort  Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures

Laufzeit  seit 1999

Projektverantwortlicher  Dr. Christina Franken, Janna Fabry

Adresse  Dürenstr. 35-37 , 53173 Bonn

Email  Christina.Franken@dainst.de

Team  Dr. phil. Hendrik Rohland

Laufzeit  seit 1999

Projekt-ID  4623

Permalink  https://www.dainst.org/projekt/-/project-display/60905


By founding a city in the Mongolian Orkhon Valley, 300 km southwest to the modern capital Ulaanbaatar, the old Mongols followed the tradition of precedent nomadic tribes like the Uyghurs. As heartland of nomadic empires the Orkhon Valley plays an important role in the Mongolian past. Karakorum, the “city of Genghis Khan”, is still vivid in the memory of contemporaries as the birthplace of the first Mongolian state.

Today, only the rising ground testimonies the existence of medieval city Karakorum. In the 16th century the Buddhist monastery Erdene Zuu was built south to the urban area, partially by using building material stemming from Karakorum.

A bilingual Mongolian-Chinese inscription which was found within the em quad of Erdene Zuu, dates back to the year 1346 and proclaims 1220 as the foundation date of Karakorum.

While science assigns that date to pitching a camp in the Orkhon Valley made by Genghis Khan, the actual founding of a permanent city is ascribed to his son Ögedei Khan; thereby laying the base for a growing empire– an empire which should include large parts of Eurasia at its zenith.

Work in progress on the Great Hall
Documentation of the findings of the Great Hall at Karakorum. © DAI KAAK // Anonym
Deposit in the Great Hall
Tsatsa deposition with Buddha reliefs. © DAI KAAK // Anonym
Excavation of a large temple
Overview of the Buddhist temple in the south-west corner of the city, known as the Great Hall. © DAI KAAK // C. Franken
Vessel deposition
Vessel deposit from the north-west corner of the pedestal, recovered after documentation, containing grain remains and the so-called Nine Treasures. © DAI KAAK // Anonym
Northern City
Excavation of the eastern building in the northern city, view from the south-east. © DAI KAAK // Anonym
Karakoram relief map
Relief map of Karakorum with Erdene Zuu monastery in the south. © DAI KAAK // Hochschule Karlsruhe
Excavation at the walls of Erdene Zuu monastery
Excavation at the east gate of the monastery to investigate a predecessor construction. © DAI KAAK // H. Wittersheim
Excavation on the wall of Erdene Zuu
Excavation on the northern wall of the monastery (on the outside), the walls of which were built on older precursors. © DAI KAAK // H. Wittersheim