Nasca Elite Burials from La Muña: Restauration and Development for Tourism of an Archaeological Site of the Middle Nasca Culture (AD 200 – 400)

La Muña is one of the most impressive archaeological sites of the Middle Nasca Culture in the province of Palpa on the Southern coast of Peru. The site shows a plurality of archaeological features as elite burials, terrace structures, platforms and geoglyphs. In the years 1998 and 2001 several areas of the site were excavated by the DAI…

DAI Standort  Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures

Laufzeit  04.01.2012 - 04.01.2014

Projektverantwortlicher  Prof. Dr. Markus Reindel

Adresse  Dürenstr. 35-37 , 53173 Bonn


Laufzeit  2012 - 2014

Projekt-ID  4278
