Aegaron - Ein Online-Repositorium für standardisierte Pläne und Daten altäg engl

AEGARON publishes architectural data on ancient Egyptian monuments with newly developed uniform drawing standards and annotations. The data are available for comparison and download with open access.

Aegaron logo © DAI Kairo // Anonym

DAI Standort  Cairo Department

Laufzeit  2009 - 2014

Team  Dr.-Ing. Martin Saehlhof, Eman Shokry, Sibel Erhan

Laufzeit  2009 - 2014

Partner  Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus - Senftenberg, Lehrstuhl Darstellungslehre, University of California, Los Angeles

Projekt-ID  4253



The architectural heritage of Ancient Egypt is among the most prominent remains of this culture. Yet the study of ancient Egyptian buildings is hindered by different standards used in publications. Accuracy and drawing style, as well as the indication of materials, damage or reconstructions differ widely. The quality of the drawings varies from almost impressionistic sketches to stone-by-stone renderings. Furthermore, important material is often only available in publications which are rare and difficult to find, or is not published at all. The uncritical redrawing of plans without giving credit to the relevant sources is widespread, which leads to the transmission of outdated states of research while adding inaccuracies and errors.