The European Coin Find Network

ECFN is a cooperation between institutions engaged in researching and recording coin finds from Europe, with the aim of encouraging cooperation and dialogue between them. A particular focus is on digital applications and aspects. The network is coordinated by the Römisch-Germanische Kommission (RGK).

The network of coin finds © (c) Portable Antiquities Scheme of England and Wales // Montage: David Wigg-Wolf (RGK)

DAI Standort  Römisch-Germanische Kommission

Projektart  Teilprojekt einer Verbundforschung

Laufzeit  12.2009 - 08.2024

Projektverantwortlicher  Wissenschaftlicher Referent David Wigg-Wolf

Adresse  Palmengartenstraße 10-12 , 60325 Frankfurt am Main


Team  Wissenschaftlicher Referent David Wigg-Wolf

Laufzeit  2009 - 2024

Projektart  Teilprojekt einer Verbundforschung

Cluster/Forschungsplan  RGK - Archäologische Episteme in Entwicklung: Zu Landschaften, Objekten und Daten

Partner  British Museum, Inventar der Fundmünzen der Schweiz (IFS), Universität Warschau, Valencia University

Projekt-ID  2214



The main activity of the European Coin Find Network consists in an annual meeting hosted by one of the particpating institutions, generally in conjunction with the project. It's origins lie in a meeting of 10 people at the British Museum in October 2011 organised by Rick Witschonke. The first joint meeting with took place the following year at the RGK in Frankfurt. Since then the Network has rapidly expanded and the tenth joint meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2023 attracted 178 particpants.

Joint meetings of ECFN and
Römisch-Germanische Kommission, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, May 2012
Openair Museum Petronell, Petronell-Carnuntum, Austria, April 2013
Inventar der Fundmünzen der Schweiz, Basel, March 2014
University of Warsaw, Nieberów Palace, Poland, April 2015
Université de Caen - Normandie, Caen, France, April 2016
Nationalmuseet, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2017
Universitat de Valencia, Spain, May 2018
Università degli Studi Messina, Sicily, May 2019
Archaeological Park Viminacium, Serbia, Septemebr 2021 (postponed from April 2021 due to COVID)
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 2023

The Network website provides information on activities related to coin find studies, as well as an extensive list of online digital resources.