Petrographic Analysis of the Early Bronze Age II late-III (2500-2000 BC)

This project constitutes a holistic, integrated study of whole pottery assemblages from the settlement of Heraion on Samos Island that cover the third millennium BC (Early Bronze Age-EBA), as well as a preliminary archaeometric study of the earlier ceramics dating to the Chalcolithic period.

Swirls of clay mixing © Sergios Menelaou // Sergios Menelaou

DAI Standort  Abteilung Athen

Laufzeit  2012 - 2018

Projektverantwortlicher  Dr. phil. Jan-Marc Henke

Adresse  Fidiou 1 , GR-10678 Athen


Laufzeit  2012 - 2018

Partner  University of Cyprus, Department of History and Archaeology, Ephorie für Altertümer Samos - Ikaria, Abteilung Athen

Förderer  Abteilung Athen, University of Cyprus, Department of History and Archaeology

Projekt-ID  2122



It forms part of ‘The Prehistoric Settlement at Heraion on Samos (Sacred Road)’ research project being carried out by Assoc. Prof. Ourania Kouka since 2009 (University of Cyprus). Originally, a pilot fabric study was conducted on 44 ceramic samples from the EBA II late-III levels (ca. 2500-2000 BC), corresponding to five architectural phases (Heraion I-V) as defined by Milojčić (1961, SAMOS I). The petrographic analysis complemented macroscopic observations and typological-stylistic evaluations, and allowed a detailed characterisation of the samples with respect to textural and mineralogical data. The analytical results revealed preliminary information regarding issues of technology, as well as of geological and/or geographical provenance. This study, undertaken in the framework of an MSc dissertation, formed a firm basis and was further extended into a PhD project that included an integrated examination of pottery recovered from the old (1981) and the recent (2009-2013) excavations in the area north of the Sacred Road.

Fine mica and monocrystalline quartz © Sergios Menelaou // Sergios Menelaou
Monocrystalline quartz and muscovite mica © Sergios Menelaou // Sergios Menelaou
Well-rounded volcanic inclusions © Sergios Menelaou // Sergios Menelaou
Metamorphic (mica-schist) rocks © Sergios Menelaou // Sergios Menelaou
Geological_Map_of_Samos_after Theodoropoulos_1979_ou_Kouka
© Ourania Kouka // after Theodoropoulos 1979
Serpentinite and quartz fabric © Sergios Menelaou // Sergios Menelaou
Swirls of clay mixing © Sergios Menelaou // Sergios Menelaou