- a linked open data approach to numismatics is a collaborative project to provide stable digital representations of numismatic concepts according to the principles of Linked Open Data. It consists of a controlled vocabulary in the form of http URIs that also provide access to reusable information about those concepts, and an RDF/XML ontology.

© Ethan Gruber // Ethan Gruber

DAI Standort  Römisch-Germanische Kommission

Projektart  Teilprojekt einer Verbundforschung

Laufzeit  01.2010 - 08.2025

Disziplinen  Numismatik, Digital Humanities, Archäoinformatik

Projektverantwortlicher  Wissenschaftlicher Referent David Wigg-Wolf

Adresse  Palmengartenstraße 10-12 , 60325 Frankfurt am Main


Team  Wissenschaftlicher Referent David Wigg-Wolf

Laufzeit  2010 - 2025

Projektart  Teilprojekt einer Verbundforschung

Cluster/Forschungsplan  RGK - Archäologische Episteme in Entwicklung: Zu Landschaften, Objekten und Daten

Fokus  Modellierung, Infrastrukturprojekte

Disziplin  Numismatik, Digital Humanities, Archäoinformatik

Methoden  Elektronische Datenverarbeitung

Partner  British Museum, American Numismatic Society, New York, Münzkabinett der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt Big Data Lab, Inventar der Fundmünzen der Schweiz (IFS), Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW), Heberden Coin Room, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University, Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum, Zürich, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des monnaies, médailles et antiques

Förderer  American Numismatic Society, New York, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung

Schlagworte  Digital Humanities, Numismatik, Byzantinische Zeit, Latènezeit, Frühmittelalter (5.-9. Jahrh.) , Islamische Zeit, Mittelalter (10.-15.Jahrhundert), Neuzeit, Römische Kaiserzeit, Spätrömische-/Völkerwanderungszeit (4.-6. Jh.), Datenbanken, Datennachnutzung, Digitale Dokumentation, Elektronische Datenverarbeitung, Mobile Objekte, Bild- und Schriftträger, Kleinfunde, Zahlungsmittel, Banknoten, Barren, Brakteaten, Contorniaten, Dukaten, Gussbrocken, Hacksilber, Medaillen, Münzen, Schrötlinge, Tesserae

Projekt-ID  2098


Überblick is an international, collaborative project to provide stable digital representations of numismatic concepts according to the principles of Linked Open Data (LOD). These take the form of HTTP URIs that also provide access to reusable information about those concepts, along with links to other resources. The community maintains a formalized RDF Ontology and a data model for encoding concepts, coins, typologies, hoards, and other types of numismatic objects as LOD.

Since 2010, the project has been hosted and financially supported by the American Numismatic Society in New York. It was founded by Andrew Meadows, then deputy director of the Society, and Sebastian Heath, its data scientist. The current Principal Developer of the Nomisma project is Ethan Gruber, Director of Data Science at the ANS.

The information made available by has been provided by a wide community of scholars and institutions, and is coordinated by an international Scientific Committee.

A SPARQL Endpoint provides access to the data from a wide range of resources that employ the vocabulary and ontology, and a guide to the use of the latter is provided in the Nomisma Cookbook.

All concepts published by the domain are openly accessible with a CC-BY license.