Testbeschreibung © Dummy35 // Dummy1

Neuerscheinung "Römisch-Germanische Forschungen 78"

Schroer_Spang_RGF_78 © DAI + RGK // DAI + RGK

25.11.2024 | Romano-Germanic Commission

Sandra Schröer-Spang - Die nördliche Provinzgrenze zwischen Raetien und Obergermanien im Spiegel des römerzeitlichen Besiedlungsmusters: GIS-gestützte Raumanalysen zur Annäherung an eine Binnengrenze

Besides the external borders of the Roman Empire, there were also numerous internal borders such as city, customs and provincial borders. But where exactly did these borders run? Where, for example, did the border between the provinces of Raetia and Upper Germania run? For the first time, this study uses GIS-supported spatial analyses to examine the extent to which the Roman settlement pattern can provide insights into provincial borders. The work focuses on the northern section of the border between Raetia and Upper Germania in the area between the Limes and the central Swabian Alb.

online: https://publications.dainst.org/books/dai/catalog/book/2133

Dr. Alexander Gramsch , Redaktionsleiter

Dr. Claudia Trummer , Redaktionssekretariat

DAI Pressestelle
Podbielskiallee 69
14195 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 187711-120
Mail: presse@dainst.de