New Publication of the Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo

Cover MDAIK 79 © S. Connor // S. Connor
You can read and download the current issue here:
The issue includes the following articles: In Memoriam Jan Assmann (1938–2024) (Stephan Johannes Seidlmayer) – A Forked Staff from Tell Basta (Aiman Ashmawy Ali) – A Falcon God from the Garden of Princess Nimet Mokhtar at el-Marg (Aiman Ashmawy Ali, Simon Connor) – Late Middle Kingdom at Qubbet el-Hawa. The Case of QH 35n (Martina Bardoňová, Rosario Guimarey Duarte, Inmaculada Alemán Aguilera, Ángel Rubio Salvador, Miguel Cecilio Botella López, Alejandro Jiménez Serrano) – Zawyet Sultan. Second Preliminary Report. Excavation Season 2022 (Richard Bussmann, Bart Vanthuyne) – Der Seth-Name Ramses’ II. Ein Beleg aus dem Baal-Tempel in Bahr el-Baqar (John Moussa Iskander, Ehab Gamil Abd el-Karim) – A Provincial Residence at Bubastis from the 4ᵗʰ and 5ᵗʰ Dynasties and the Issue of the Administration of the Old Kingdom Nile Delta (Eva Lange-Athinodorou) – The Deceased in el-Salamuni Necropolis. Following Osiris in Classical Dress (Wahid Omran) – Badr al-Jamālī and the Mosques of Aswan. New Considerations Based on a Building Inscription from the Museum für Islamische Kunst in Berlin (Stefanie Schmidt) – The Lower Nubian ›C-Group Culture‹. A Brief Synopsis and Critical Review of the Current State of Research (Marie-Kristin Schröder) – Die Bauten des Amasis im Vorfeld des Satet-Tempels von Elephantine. Teil I. Die Inschriften (Stephan Johannes Seidlmayer) – One Man, Two Names. A Case of Onomastic Strategies at the Beginning of the 19ᵗʰ Dynasty (José Miguel Serrano Delgado) – Die Moschee von Ramazan Efendi in Ayntab. Eine Annäherung an die Architekturgeschichte der Stadt (Mustafa Tupev)
The Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo (MDAIK) is the annual journal of the DAI Cairo Department. Since 1930, it has offered an international platform for articles on the archaeology and cultural history of Egypt. The topics of the articles cover a chronological range from the Predynastic to the Christian and Islamic Periods. In addition to the focus on archaeology and the publication of the latest excavation results from international projects, topics on cultural and art history, current research issues, and ongoing research are also discussed. The articles are published in German, English, and French, accompanied by English and Arabic abstracts.
From volume 79 (2023) onwards, the contributions are freely accessible over a responsive viewer and a PDF in addition to the printed version.
Information on manuscript submission is available on: