TELL Lecture by Sebastian Olschok: The Economic Complex of Deir Anba Hadra


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01.02.2016 | Abteilung Kairo

We are cordially inviting to a lecture in course of the young researchers' lecture series "Tell!" at the German Archaeological Institute Cairoat the German  Archaeological Institute Cairo, February 9th beginning at 6:15pm:


The Economic Complex of Deir Anba Hadra

Sebastian Olschok M.A. (Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies) 

Deir Anba Hadra is situated on the west bank of the Nile facing Aswan. It is the largest and best preserved monastery in the area. Between 1924 and 1926 it was excavated and partly reconstructed by Ugo Monneret de Villard, but the publication only scratched the surface. Since 2013 the German Archaeological Institute has been conducting reseach with different subjects in most areas of Deir Anba Hadra to determine not just the religious, but also the social and economic purposes of the monastery. This paper focusses on the development of the economic complex.

Using architectural (Structure-from-Motion/drawings) and archaeological(excavations) research methods, the different phases of building, shifting room use and its associated economic installations will be discussed. So far more than 5 ovens, 4 mills or presses and other installations have been found, though some have yet to be identified. Furthermore, recent discoveries indicate a relation between the oratories and the economic complex at Deir Anba Hadra.