Die Ersten Direktor:innen der RGK seit Ihrer Gründung: "Ahnengalerie" im Flur des Haupthauses in der Palmengartenstr. in Frankfurt am Main. © DAI + RGK // Christoph Rummel

Board of directors

The board of directors - Management level of the Roman-Germanic Commission

The Roman-Germanic Commission (RGK) is headed by a Head Director Kerstin P. Hofmann and a Deputy Director Lukas Werther who complement each other in their professional expertise.

Both are seconded by a scientific consultant for general tasks, the administration's secretariat, and a research assistant for management tasks. The administration is in charge of the RGK's daily work and develops the profile of the research institute in coordination with the scientific advisory board. This includes among others the development of a research programme integrating the priority regions and topics of the RGK as well as the strategic planning of research, including the commission's research infrastructures. It is also committed to ensuring that the RGK functions as an interface for cooperation and communication in cross-border and interdisciplinary archaeological research and knowledge communication.

The board of directors act as the institute's external representatives, but also towards the central bodies of the German Archaeological Institute and its scientific advisory board. In addition to internal processes, this is in particular reflected by the RGK's various activity and research reports and the external presentations and science communications. The directors furthermore represent the RGK in numerous national and international committees and associations. The administration moreover takes care of its guests and RGK scholarship holders, organises events such as evening lectures, and is the interface between the institute and the Förderverein Freunde der Archäologie in Europa e.V.

address and contact


Römisch-Germanische Kommission
Palmengartenstraße 10-12
60325 Frankfurt am Main

+49 (0)69 975818-18/26
