The editorial staff is responsible for the issuing of the RGK's various publications. These comprise its two journals, Germania and the Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission as well as a number of series treating different topics relating to the pre- and early history as well as provincial Roman archaeology in Europe. It also coordinates the dissemination of the commission's brochures and specialised books. It furthermore is mandated with the advance of printed and digital publication concepts, and among others serves cross-institutional purposes in archaeological publishing by providing the RGK publication guidelines.
The RGK's editorial team consists of several scientists, graphic designers, the editorial secretariat, and various assistants. They coordinate the individual stages of publication which comprises the call for manuscripts and the arrangement of peer reviewing processes, and furthermore scientific editing, the preparation of digital supplements and typesetting, as well as the supervision of the last production stages including the presentation of the final digital and printed products. The RGK thus is committed to free access to scholarly and other matter via the internet and actively participates in the development of digital publishing concepts, e.g. for editions. It hence closely collaborates with the editorial staff at the DAI headquarters and the specialised information service for classical studies called Propylaeum. A rapid and wide dissemination of research accordingly is considered just as relevant to the RGK as the maintenance of high quality standards in the publishing process. The so-called commission of the RGK and two international journal advisory boards contribute to this.
Publication Guidelines
The editorial staff at the RGK readily replies with information to questions concerning the publication of research results generally as well as specifically at the RGK. In addition to the RGK guidelines {link}, which also apply to other German-language journals, we also provide assistance on digitally publishing research data and furnish information on indexing as well as on rights of use and licenses.
Authors, editors, and reviewers can consult our suggestions for authors as well as the RGK guidelines, or else contact the editorial staff in case of questions {Link zu Kontaktadressen}. Our aim is to assure for the highest possible scholarly, edititing, and printing standards {Link zu Qualitätssicherung}.
Assuring Quality
The RGK's purpose is to continue to preserve its rank as one of the most renowned editors within international prehistoric and provincial Roman archaeology. With its journals and series it strives to reach both the scholarly community and the public in the best possible way with both facts and findings from current, interdisciplinary and theoretically comprehensive research. Submitted and acquired manuscripts are treated in compliance with the highest possible quality standards, which comprises peer reviewing next to the editors' evaluations on content and form. The scientific advisory boards furthermore also contribute to the upkeep of high quality standards. Best possible print results, high image quality and first rate bookbinding too are highly prioritised. To this end, we work closely with external partners such as copy editors, typesetting offices, and book printers. In order to disseminate current research results as quickly as possible, however, we in addition to the traditional offset production also benefit from the advantages of digital printing and printing-on-demand as regards some issues, whilst yet again conserving the high quality standards.
Scientific Advisory Boards
A scientific advisory board, the so-called commission of the RGK advises the RGK on the development and implementation of its publication strategy. It may, for instance, recommend the approval of manuscripts for publication in the RGK's publication series. It furthermore since 2022 receives guidance from two scientific journal advisory boards.
Members of the scientific advisory board of the journal 'Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission' are:
- Prof. Manuel Fernández-Götz, Edinburgh University
- Adj. Prof. Doris Gutsmiedl-Schümann, Freie Universität Berlin
- Prof. Alexander Heising, University of Freiburg
- Prof. Doris Mischka, University of Erlangen–Nuremberg
- Prof. Jan Schuster, University of Łódź
Prof. Helle Vandkilde, Aarhus University
Members of the scientific advisory board of the journal 'Germania' are:
- Prof. Sebastian Brather, University of Freiburg
- Prof. Amy Bogaard, University of Oxford
- Prof. David Fontijn, Leiden University
- Prof. Daniela Hofmann, Bergen University
- Dr. Stijn Heeren, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Dr. Jutta Leskovar, Museum Linz
Peer Review
Um die Qualität der von uns herausgegebenen wissenschaftlichen Publikationen {Link zu Qualitätssicherung} zu gewährleisten, unterliegen eingereichte Manuskripte dem Peer Review-Verfahren. Redaktion und Herausgeber:innen von Reihen und Zeitschriften wählen mindestens zwei unabhängige externe Gutachter:innen aus, die die anonymisierten Manuskripte begutachten. Gemeinsam mit der Stellungnahme der RGK gehen diese Gutachten ebenfalls anonymisiert an die einreichenden Autor:innen bzw. Herausgeber:innen.
Manuskripte für unsere Reihen oder Zeitschriften können jederzeit bei der Redaktion eingereicht werden {Link zu Kontaktadressen}. Wir bitten um Beachtung der Autor:innenhinweise {Link zu Downloads}.
Open Access
Die RGK bekennt sich, wie auch das DAI insgesamt, zum Prinzip des Publizierens im Open Access, also dem Gedanken der möglichst unbeschränkten Verfügbarkeit und Nachvollziehbarkeit von Wissen und Erkenntnissen. Wir waren beteiligt an der Formulierung der Mainzer Thesen zum Publizieren in Open Access in der Archäologie. Seit 2017 erscheinen unsere Zeitschriften „Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission“ und „Germania“ zeitgleich mit der Druckversion auch online im Open Access (Gold Standard). Wir arbeiten daran, den größten Teil der zuvor nur gedruckt erschienenen Zeitschriften und Bücher zusätzlich auch in digitaler Form zur Verfügung zu stellen. Dies gilt sowohl für Neuerscheinungen als auch für bisher erschienene Publikationen. Künftig soll zudem mit genuin digitalen Formaten, die flexibler als reine Druckdateien sind, der Zugang zum veröffentlichten Wissen einfacher und der Zugriff auf aktuellste Forschungsergebnisse schneller ermöglicht werden.