The Orient Department supervises several publication organs issued at its seat in the so-called Orient-Haus in Berlin and the branch offices. Next to the Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie, it publishes a number of series including both anthologies and monographs devoted to various subject matters.
The periodical Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie offers a platform for detailed and fundamental contributions concerning the latest international research in the archaeology of the Levant, Mesopotamia, and the Arabian Peninsula.
In its monograph and compilation series, the department presents the results from its field projects, scientific analyses, events, as well as the contributions by cooperation partners and colleagues on subjects relevant to the Orient Department. The broadest content spectrum is disseminated by Orient Archäologie, a series launched in 1998, of which more than 40 volumes so far have been published. It presents the studies from the department's entire work area, among which for instance the field projects at Gadara (Jordan) and Baalbek (Lebanon). The subseries Studien zur Musikarchäologie (SzM) furthermore disseminates works and contributions in the field of music archaeology and so far published in twelve volumes. Investigations in Mesopotamia, previously appearing in the series Baghdader Forschungen (BaF), will be continued as a subseries of Orient Archäologie as from volume 26. Work results from the Northern Levant are published in Damaszener Forschungen (DaF), whereas those from South Arabia in Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen (ABADY). The Epigraphische Forschungen auf der Arabischen Halbinsel (EFAH) is published in cooperation with Norbert Nebes (chair of Semitic philology and Islamic studies at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena). The excavation results from Uruk-Warka are published in a separate series titled Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka, Endberichte. Moreover, minor works directed at broader readerships to inform about the department's activities appear at irregular intervals.
The department's branch offices are independently in charge of the contents and editorial aspects of their own published matter. In coordination with the publishers and the administration, they are assisted by the editorial staff at the Orient Department, which in turn is led by a specialist scholar overseeing academic and student assistants or else outsourced personnel.
The journal Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie (ZOrA) is open to all authors who wish to contribute to the archaeology and history of the regions mentioned. In particular, 'syntheses' are accepted. In addition, ZOrA is open to all DAI projects as an organ for their 'Reports from Ongoing Research'.
To ensure the quality of the journal, a Scientific Advisory Board has been set up to carefully review incoming manuscripts and make recommendations for publication. General information for authors and information on the layout of ZOrA can be found on the Orient Department's homepage. Articles are published in English, French and German; abstracts and captions are also translated into Arabic, the main language of the Orient Department. Editorial work is carried out at the Orient Department's headquarters in Berlin.
Baghdader Mitteilungen (1960–2007)
Archaeological and Ancient Near Eastern Research in Mesopotamia. With volume 37, 2006 (2007), the journal Baghdader Mitteilungen was discontinued and transferred to the fascicle "Mesopotamia" of the newly founded Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie (ZOrA). The supplements 1-3 of the Baghdader Mitteilungen were also published in this series.
Damaszener Mitteilungen (1983–2008)
Archaeological research in Syria. With volume 15, 2006 (2008), the journal Damaszener Mitteilungen was discontinued and transferred to the "Levant" fascicle of the newly founded Zeitschrift für Orient-Archäologie (ZOrA).
Editorial Management
Dr. Anja Fügert
Dr. Simone Mühl
Editorial Staff
Christina Ullmann
Julius Kardaetz
Dr. Anja Fügert
Editorial Management,
Orient Department
Podbielskiallee 69-71
14195 Berlin