Editorial Office
The Athens Department publishes papers on the archaeology and culture history of Greece and its inherent geographical expanses between prehistory and late antiquity. Its editorial staff is in charge of publishing the Athenische Mitteilungen, an annual, in-house magazine, as well as the book series Athenaia.
Since its first publication in 1876, the Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologisches Instituts, Athenische Abteilung has been disseminating continuously the results from current research ranging between prehistory and late antiquity in both Greece and its adjacent areas in the Aegean. This makes the Athenische Mitteilungen one of the most long-lasting publishing organs on Greek classical studies, and today it reaches an international expert audience with contributions written predominantly in German and English. In addition to its specifically archaeological presentations, it furthermore regularly covers subjects from other disciplines within the field and thus, just as much as in its early days, continues to assume its role as an interdisciplinary contributor to the scholarly discourse.
Since 2011, the series Athenaia has been in charge of publishing monographs and anthologies on topics from the department's fields of research. The spectrum so far ranges from sculpture and glyptic to the history of architecture, historical topography, and the archaeology of individual Greek landscapes. Some of the particular presentations look back on decades of research on specific subjects, but they also include dissertations. Athenaia is expressly open to current and innovative research methods and also to more theoretical contributions. A significant aspect of the anthologies is the edited publication of the conferences held at the Athens Department. The Athenaia so-to-speak fulfils the role of the former Beihefte zu den Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung, which have remained quiescent since 2010.
All contributions destined for publication at the Athens Department are submitted to an anonymous peer reviewing procedure.
Athenischen Mitteilungen © DAI // Nikos Chrisikakis

Athenische Mitteilungen
The Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologisches Instituts, Athenische Abteilung diffuse the latest results from research in Greece and its neighbouring areas to a broad specialist audience. The treated subjects are diverse in terms of content and methodology and cover timespans ranging from the early Aegean periods to late antiquity.
All published manuscripts are previously checked by anonymous peer reviewers as well as by the editing staff as to their editorial and technical viability. The editors base their approval for publication on these assessments.
If you would like to present a paper, see new submissions for more details.
Monographs and anthologies on archaeological research in Greece and the wider cultural region native to Greece. This series in particular is receptive for current, approach-related topics and innovative research methods.
Recent Issues
The department directors are the acting editors of the Athenische Mitteilungen and the Athenaia series. Manuscripts should therefore be submitted to the first director. In order to be accepted for publication, manuscripts must comply with the editorial guidelines of the DAI and pass technical and editorial clearance.
Guidelines for authors
In order to maximise cost- and effort efficiency of our publication processes, we kindly ask the authors to carefully read the current guidelines of the DAI and to stringently observe them in their manuscripts.
Manuscripts submitted to the Athenische Mitteilungen and Athenaia must always be ready for typesetting in accordance with the publication guidelines and be handed in in full prior to review. This equally applies for text, notes, illustrations, supplements, legends, illustration credits, etc. The author is responsible for the content and the correctness of quotations as well as for the clearance of image rights and publication permissions. Submitted manuscripts that fail to meet with the general linguistic standards and formal requirements will be returned by the editors with a request for revision and compliance with current DAI guidelines before their transfer to peer-reviewing.
Questions regarding the preparation of manuscripts should be sent to, redaktion.athen@dainst.de
Manuscripts destined for the following year's issue of the the Athenische Mitteilungen must be sent to the first director of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Athen, Fidiou 1, 10678 Athens at the latest by 31 December.
Download Guidelines
Guidelines for authors (PDF)
General DAI Publication Guidelines (LINK)